
This exciting brand has captivated people of all ages, from all walks of life! Now, bowlers that are Angry Birds enthusiasts can take their Angry Birds Bowling Ball to the lanes with them!

Available colors are Angry Birds Red, Angry Birds Black and Angry Green Pig.

The Angry Birds balls are poly balls that will be a great entry level ball, or a spare ball of a lifetime for the bowler that is an Angry Birds Fan!

Artikelnr: ArtNr.: VA210-04-PANGBRED Kategori:

Product Description

This exciting brand has captivated people of all ages, from all walks of life! Now, bowlers that are Angry Birds enthusiasts can take their Angry Birds Bowling Ball to the lanes with them!

Available colors are Angry Birds Red, Angry Birds Black and Angry Green Pig.

The Angry Birds balls are poly balls that will be a great entry level ball, or a spare ball of a lifetime for the bowler that is an Angry Birds Fan!

Additional Information

Vikt 8 kg


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